Worship at Redeemer
In the summer during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are meeting on Zoom at 10:30. If you would like an invitation please contact George Baughan at [email protected] for an invitation.
When we return to our regular Sunday morning worship schedule, there will be communion service without music at 7:45 am and 10:30 am service with music and communion.
Children are in Sunday School during the first part of the 10:30 service and come in right before communion to join their families for the remainder of the service.
Christian Education at Redeemer
Adult Forum - 9:00 am
When we meet again in person, we have a class for adults that meets between the services in the parish hall to apply Bible study to contemporary issues.
Sunday School - 10:15
Sunday School at Redeemer starts when parents think their children are ready for group instruction. We begin with an opening that usually includes a puppet play or a Bible story.
Children then break into grade level classes:
Pre K- First Grade
Primary (Grades 2-4)
Pre-Confirmation (Grades 5-8)
At the offertory hymn, children come into the service and sit or kneel at the altar rail and participate in the communion service. They then join their families when they come to the altar.
Youth Ministry
On the fourth Sunday of the month, the service is led by the youth of Redeemer who act as ushers, lay readers, intercessors, and chalice bearers. The gospel is frequently acted out as a puppet play.
Mission at Redeemer
Redeemer is a church that follows Christ's command to care for those in and around our community. Below are some of the programs that represent our mission:
Christmas Angels - gifts and food for families at Christmas time.
Darby Mission Dinner - preparing and serving meals to the community of Darby.
St. Stephen's and St. Mary's Food Cupboards - supplying food for the people of Clifton Heights and Chester
School Supplies for the Chester-Upland School District.
Souper Bowl of Caring - Springfield program for collecting food for local food cupboards.
Funeral meals - providing a luncheon in the parish hall after funerals.
Thrift Shop
We are open
Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
For the protection of the workers and the patrons, the following precautions will be observed: No more than 5 patrons will be allowed to shop at one time. As one or two come out, one or two can go in. Masks will be required by everyone. No mask, no entry. A limited supply of masks will be available for those who forget. Social distancing will be required in the Thrift Shop and outside if there is a line. Hand sanitizer, gloves, and wipes will be available. Donations will need to be bagged or boxed.
For bulk contributions, arrangements will need to be made with the staff.